Saturday, May 29, 2021



 How to choose your blog niche?

The best formula to choose a best topic to you blog is:


But a niche does not have to be your passion although it is definitely easier to stay committed to starting your blog when you are passionate about it. But it does have to be an interest of yours. The best niches are exciting enough that you will be motivated to continually post about it, and accessible enough that you can build an audience.

Now if you are unsure of what your niche should be, answering the following questions below will help you more to decide:

  1. Why do you care about the topic you want to blog about?
  2. Why should other people listen to what are you saying?
  3. Why is this a topic that you can add value to?
  4. What is a dream from your childhood that you find exciting?
  5. What is the absolute part of your day?
  6. Do you have any hobbies that you want to learn?
  7. What is a deeply held value of yours?
  8. What’s one achievment that you are incredibly proud of?

If you want to make money from your blog, you also want to do a bit of research to see if there is a market demand for your niche. Are people actively searching for what you want to write about?.

some niche examples:

1-Health: - Fitness - General Health - Healthy Food.

2-Parenting: - Raising Children - Home Schooling - Babies.

3-Marketing: - Online Marketing - SEO Marketing -Affiliate Marketing.

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